Three shelves, stocked with books labeled "staff picks," "MN authors," and "holiday." Folded paper hearts float above the shelves.

Hello, authors!

Hi there! And thanks for your interest in having your titles stocked at Tropes & Trifles. In order to make things as easy as possible for all involved, please fill out the form below with all of the requested information, keeping a couple of things in mind:

  1. For your book to be stocked, it must be available through Ingram. We are currently unable to stock any books not available through Ingram.

  2. Your title is less likely to be stocked if it is available for free online.

  3. If we do stock your book, we will reach out to let you know to expect to see it! If you don’t hear from us, that indicates that we are not stocking your book at this time, though this may change in the future. The shelves of a bookstore are an ever-shifting landscape.

Unfortunately, we cannot stock every book that crosses our path—would that we had endless shelf space to make that possible!

Please do not send unsolicited ARCs or contact via other means. This form truly is the best way for us to learn about your work, and bonus: no postage fees!